Google Advertising Campaign w/ Monthly Maintenance

A custom Google Advertising Campaign for your adoption process that speaks to your unique family.

$35.00 / Month
This item requires
Google Advertising Campaign (Setup Fee)

Do I Need To Advertise Online?

Having a website is the first step in your online adoption portfolio, but it is not the last. Getting traffic to your website is one of the most crucial steps to a successful online advertising campaign and Google Advertising is one of the most successful and efficient ways to let the world know about your website. But how do you do that?

Maybe you have already tried Google Ads on your own and found it cumbersome, or maybe you felt it wasn't effective, or maybe you don't even know where to start. Don't worry, you are not alone as many families feel the same way. However, just creating a Google Advertisement is not enough. There is a lot of research and ongoing maintenance that goes into a successful advertising campaign to make sure that your Ad is hitting the right keywords and filtering out the bad ones.
Increased Traffic

Pay Per Click

What Exactly Is Google Advertising? How Does It Work?

Google Advertising is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising method, which means each click on your advertisement is what you pay for, not the actual display of your advertisement. People go on to Google and type in search terms to find hopeful adoptive families. Those search terms are matched to advertisements based on specified keywords to pull up a list of eligible Ads. Then in a fraction of a second Google employs their own complex algorithm to start a "bidding war" against all the Ads until the final selection is made, and those are the ones displayed.

So when you have a campaign that is not successfully filtering out bad searches, and those searchers click on your advertisement, that is wasted money from your budget. Keeping an up-to-date and efficient advertising campaign is a great deal of work; requiring time, effort, and expertise to maintain correctly. It is also the only way to make sure that your maximizing every dollar spent on the clicks for your Ads.

What Does Tekk Adoption Do?

Our Google Advertising Campaign service is designed to carry the burden for you. You have enough to think about in your adoption journey, so let us help you by handling the technology side! With our service, you can rest assured that you will be getting high-quality traffic to your website. We have compiled an exhaustively extensive list of time-tested and continuously evolving keywords guaranteed to drive the right traffic to your site. With the ever-growing use of technology and online searching, it can be quite an undertaking to maintain a healthy advertising campaign. Our service includes weekly updates to your campaign to maintain healthy search results. Additionally, you will benefit from the crowd-sourcing of our other Tekk Adoption family advertisements! This means that when we process changes to our search algorithms from any single advertisement campaign, all Tekk Adoption family's reap the benefits, allowing everyone's search quality to increase.

Our members will also have access to easy-to-read monthly statistics on their advertisement's performance that can be accessed directly from their Tekk Adoption account. Additional insights are available to you in the form of statistical averages across our running advertisements, allowing families a better understanding of how their advertisement is performing and giving them the opportunity to make adjustments. We also offer a view of the most popular monthly budgets being used, to further help our families make well-informed decisions on how to adjust their advertising budgets.
Let Us Do The Work


How Much Does It Cost? Where Does The Money Go?

There is a one-time setup fee which covers the initial creation of your account along with proprietary algorithms for your successful campaign. There is a small monthly fee to maintain your Google Advertising Campaign, which includes weekly maintenance and updates to your Advertising Campaign to ensure healthy search term results. There are no other hidden fees of any kind and we do not take any commission from your advertising spending.

Your advertising budget, which is completely up to you, is charged directly by Google. There is no minimum or maximum to what you can budget for your advertising. You Google Account will keep a running tally of charges from clicks on your Ad. When the spending thresholds that Google sets is met, they will charge your Credit Card directly. You can rest assured that absolutely every single penny of your advertising budget goes directly towards your Ad spending.

How Does It Work? Do You Create The Ads For Us?

After subscribing to our service through our catalog here, you will be asked to supply us with the address to your website, initial budget amount, and the type of advertising strategy you wish to employ. Don't worry, we guide you through the process and make it as simple as possible. Once you submit the initial setup data, we begin working on creating your Campaign Account. Once it is ready, you will receive an E-Mail with steps on how to create your first Ad. No need to be scared or anxious, we guide you through that as well. Our system offers a variety of tips and suggestions on how to build your ad, and we also offer you an extensive list of sample advertisements to use as inspiration for your own ad. We also include the ability to target your Ad by Gender, Age-Range, and Location. Additionally, we periodically update our system with the most recent State Advertising Laws and disallow advertising in those States which it is illegal to do so. We really do our best to handle all the back-end worries so you don't have to.

Some families ask why we don't create the Ad text ourselves...? Simply put, if we did that for all our customers, everyone's Ads would look very similar, and not at all reflective of the family paying for the Ad. No one knows your family better than you, so we give you all the tools to make the process as easy as possible while giving you the freedom to be yourself and express your family dynamic.
How Does It Work

What's Included

So What's Included?

Our service includes one (1) advertisement, designed for viewing on both PCs and mobile devices! And our highly effective advertising campaigns are driven by our proprietary list of time-tested and ever-evolving keywords guaranteed to bring quality traffic to your website. Advertisement includes:

  • (1) Main Website Link
  • (2) Headlines [30 Characters Each]
  • (1) Description [80 Characters]
  • (4) SiteLinks [Optional]
  • (1) Phone Number Link [Optional]
  • Personalized Monthly Statistics
  • Averaged Monthly Comparision Statistics
  • List Of Monthly Budgets By Popularity
Also included is access to all of our ancillary online services found in our "Online Membership" service:
  • SCAM Alert and Pass-Along Notification Services
  • Messageboards
  • Online Guides
  • Checklists
  • Questionnaires
  • State-By-State Advertising Laws
  • And more! ...

Have More Questions Not Answered Here?

Contact us at Sales@tekkadoption.com, or you can schedule a Pre-Sales phone call here.

We require a signed letter from your Attorney, Social Worker or Adoption Agency stating that you have successfully completed your Home Study. Alternatively, you can submit a copy of the first and last page only (with Signatures) of your Home Study. Please do not submit your entire Home Study as it contains personal information that we will not keep on record. You can submit this documentation either via E-Mail to Sales@TekkAdoption.com or you can fax it to (631) 716-5007.

Submitted documentation of certification must include:

  • Your Name
  • Date Certification Expires
  • Signature of Court or Adoption Professional Writing The Letter (ie: Attorney, Social Worker, Adoption Agency)

Tekk Adoption Terms & Conditions For Service


1. Services are between Tekk Adoption [Dynamic Computing Concepts, LLC] ("Service Provider"), and the Licensee ("Client"), for the performance of the services described here ("Product"). By purchasing this service, Client agrees to the following:

2. Client acknowledges that this service remain active so long as client's account is in good standing. Service Provider retains the right to cancel membership at any time.

3. Client acknowledges that this is a limited, nonexclusive license. Client is and remains the owner of all data uploaded to their website. Client does not retain any rights to the framework, graphics, code or software of any website or service designed for the Client.

4. All designs are subject to a limited warranty. Service Provider warrants to Client that the physical medium on which the final Product is distributed on is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use, the Product will perform according to its printed documentation, and to the best of Service Provider's knowledge Client's use of this Product according to the printed documentation is not an infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights. This limited warranty lasts for a period of 30 days after delivery. To the extent permitted by law, THE ABOVE-STATED LIMITED WARRANTY REPLACES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND LICENSOR DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No agent of Service Provider is authorized to make any other warranties or to modify this limited warranty. Any action for breach of this limited warranty must be commenced within one year of the expiration of the warranty. Because some jurisdictions do not allow any limit on the length of an implied warranty, the above limitation may not apply to this Client. If the law does not allow disclaimer of implied warranties, then any implied warranty is limited to 30 days after delivery of the Product to Client. Client has specific legal rights pursuant to this warranty and, depending on Client's jurisdiction, may have additional rights.


6. Client agrees to defend and indemnify Service Provider and hold Service Provider harmless from all claims, losses, damages, complaints, or expenses connected with or resulting from Client’s use of Product.

7. Service Provider has the right to terminate this Agreement and Client's right to use this Product upon any material breach by Client.

8. This Agreement is the entire and exclusive agreement between Service Provider and Client regarding this Product. This Agreement replaces and supersedes all prior negotiations, dealings, and agreements between Service Provider and Client regarding this Product.

9. This Agreement is governed by the laws of New York State.

10. This Agreement is valid without Client’s signature. It becomes effective upon the Client's use of the Product.


Annual Plans: Are billed annually on the anniversary date of the original purchase date
Monthly Plans: Are billed monthly on the anniversary date of the original purchase date.
Quarterly Plans: Are billed every three (3) months on the anniversary date of the original purchase date.


All service plans when cancelled will run until the end of their regularly scheduled subscription term. No refunds or "pro-rated" discounts will be granted.


Main Website: http://www.TekkAdoption.com
Service Provider performs regular daily backups of it's main website (http://www.TekkAdoption.com). In the case of a catastrophic hardware failure occur, Service Provider will restore website service to the latest server back available. Service Provider does not guarantee that all data will be recoverable in such an instance.

Stand-Alone Websites:
Service Provider does not perform backups of custom websites. It is the responsibility of the Client to keep copies of any and all data they upload to their custom website. In the case of a hardware failure that causes the loss of data, the Service Provider will recreate the basic website and the Client will be responsible for re-uploading all relevant data. Automatic scheduled backups are available at an addition cost. Contact Sales@tekkadoption.com for more information.


Service Provider will offer support on supplied services for problems that prevent use of said services. Such support can be obtained only by E-Mailing Support@tekkadoption.com or visiting http://support.TekkAdoption.com. For the sake of keeping costs down for Clients the Service Provider does not offer support phone support. The Service Provider will not offer free support or one-on-one instruction on how to design or what to add to Client's website or profile. All websites and profiles are offered as a self-guided template which allows the Client to determine what information to add and to override suggested content where available. Additional one-on-one guidance is available at an additional cost. Contact Sales@tekkadoption.com for more information.


The Client is the sole owner of all the data and images uploaded by Client to Client's website. The Client is licensing hosting space on Service Provider's servers for the sole purpose of advertising their desire to adopt a child. This licensing stays in effect so long as the Client is in good standing with the Service Provider. Service provider reserves the right to terminate licensing with the Client at any time with written notification. All website modules, themes, graphics, or other custom applications are owned by the Service Provider and will not be supplied with any possible data backup request.


In the case of services that offers multiple variations at different costs, Client's that are actively subscribed to a PAID service can opt to upgrade/downgrade to another service variation. To upgrade or downgrade your service:
  • Log into your account
  • Purchase your new service
Any remaining time on Client's existing subscription will be calculated to an equivalent value against the new service subscription and added to the expiration date of the new service subscription within two(2) business days.


The Service Provider is not a Law Firm, Adoption Agency, Facilitator or Match Making service, and does not offer legal advice of any kind. Service Provider's main focus is to provide services to enhance your adoption journey, bringing quality traffic to your profile and/or website from families that are considering adoption, and offering quality information regarding the adoption process.


Our service utilizes Google's Search Network only. We have found that Google's Display Network did not work to the benefit of our families; while traffic was increased using this method, we found that the sites such ads were shared on where not relevant to the Advertisement itself and was thereby increasing low-quality clicks, which in turn resulted in families wasting money paying for clicks that were not relevant to their advertisement.




By default, our advertisements are set to display only in those states where advertising is legal. We periodically update our list of states advertising laws to ensure that your advertisement is not being purposely displayed in states where advertising is illegal.

While we do not set any other filter by default, we offer you the ability to select your own filter at any time for the following:

  • State: Within The Confines of Legal States Only
  • Demographics: Gender
  • Demographics: Age
*Demographic filtering is based on information available to (or inferred by) Google at the moment and location of the search.
This information may not be accurate and can seriously affect your targeted audience.




We advise all our clients that change requests can take up to two (2) business days for change requests to be processed. Please keep this in mind when requesting changes to your budget. After your change request is processed, it can take up to 24 hours (although typically faster) for Google to approve of any change of your Ad text.




We give you the flexibility to change your Ad settings at any time. However, for the purpose of being able to track how your changes affect your campaign, we advise that you limit changes to once per month, immediately at the begining of the month. This will ensure that you are running a complete month using your new settings and can compare them against your previous month statistics to understand how the change affected your Ad's performance.




No. Our advertisements are specifically for the Google search engine only.




Unfortunately no. The accounts we create include an extensive list of time-tested and long researched keywords, search terms and more that are proprietary. We would be unable to turn over those accounts to a family that has discontinued service with us. Upon termination of your service, we will shut down the account we created for you. Should you want to create your own advertising campaign, you would need to start from scratch.



We currently suggest that you set your minimum budget to $500.00 per month (Broken down by Google as $16.44 / day). Google calculates your daily budget by dividing your monthly budget by 30.4.




The absolute minimum budget would be $31.00 per month, which would equate to approximately $1.00 per day.




Your daily spending varies and may peak at double your daily budget to help your campaign reach its potential. However, your monthly budget will not be exceeded in any 30.4 day period.




Whatever you set your monthly budget to, it will not be exceeded by Google in any 30.4 day period. So for example, if your daily budget is $16.44 throughout the entire month, you will not be charged more than $499.78 for the month ($16.44 daily budget * 30.4 average days per month)